Herstory of Educators for Social Justice
We began as a Reading & Discussion Group focused on
culturally relevant pedagogy.
We began as a Reading & Discussion Group focused on
culturally relevant pedagogy.

In 2001, Rebecca Rogers and Mary Ann Kramer put out a call to educators interested in forming an inquiry group that bring together educators across the lifespan to work toward social justice. Over the year, the group:
- held meetings at a St. Louis Public Schools (SLPS) Adult Education & Literacy Center
- about 10-12 participants attended meetings including adult educators, K-12, and university educators.
- read multiple definitions of literacy & culturally relevant pedagogy
- made inquiries creating case studies of student learning using a Freieran problem-posing, problem-solving approach
- named the group Critical Literacy Action Research Group
Focused on Teacher Research by discussing readings and sharing inquiry in classrooms.
Focused on Teacher Research by discussing readings and sharing inquiry in classrooms.

- Meetings were focused on reading and sharing of inquiry in classrooms. Meetings were held in a SLPS Adult Education & Literacy Center with about 10-12 participants at meetings.
- Readings: Culturally relevant pedagogy, social and political contexts of literacy, teacher research
- Inquiry: Teacher research
- Several classroom studies conducted
- Several visiting scholars worked with the group (e.g. JoBeth Allen & JoAnn Kilgour Dowdy)
- Participated in African American Read-In (NCTE)
Focused on Teacher Research as a vehicle for creating socially just classrooms and communities.
Focused on Teacher Research as a vehicle for creating socially just classrooms and communities.

- Meetings were held in a SLPS Adult Education & Literacy Center with 10-12 participants at meetings including adult educators, K-12 and university educators. Many are the same but we continue to attract new teachers.
- Readings: Critical literacy, African American Language
- Book club discussions: Betsey Brown and No Disrespect
- Inquiry: Teacher research in classrooms
- We created an email distribution list and it grows to 50+ people
- Participants attended Highlander Center.
- Participants attended Summer Institute with Elaine Richardson and Jesse Senechal from Chicago Teachers for Social Justice Group. We learned about the idea of a “Curriculum Fair.”
Built networks and alliances between social justice-minded groups and individuals.
Built networks and alliances between social justice-minded groups and individuals.

- Ten to twelve participants continued to attend meetings held in a SLPS Adult Education & Literacy Center.
- Name changed to Literacy for Social Justice Teacher Research Group
- Readings: Rethinking Schools
- Spent time exploring popular education as an instructional framework across the lifespan (development of a model)
- Wrote up teacher-research projects
- Developed our first website, first hosted through Washington University in St. Louis
- Discussed the idea of hosting a Curriculum Fair to bring educators across the region together to share their expertise and to network with each other. The discussions included topics such as: from whom to take contributions; food options; whether to charge participants; etc.
- 75 + people on email distribution
- Summer Institute: Book Writing Retreat
Focused on "going public” with teacher-research and teacher-led curricular reforms.
Focused on "going public” with teacher-research and teacher-led curricular reforms.

- 1st Educating for Change Curriculum Fair, Theme: Anti-Racist, Pro-Justice Education, Location: Clark Elementary, St. Louis Public School, ~150 participants
- The group continued to meet once per month in an SLPS Adult Education & Literacy Center and our time was divided between sharing our teacher-research and planning for the 1st Annual Curriculum Fair, a venue that would invite many educators to share their social justice curriculum and actions.
- Readings: Rethinking Schools; Participated in workshop with Bob Peterson from Rethinking Schools
- Summer Institute: LSJ Strategy Session
- Members attended Highlander and shared popular education strategy with the group
- 100 + people on email distribution list
- Included in a Rethinking Schools article on teacher organizers
- Connected and built alliances
- Designed the butterfly logo for the group
Focused on teacher research and teacher activism.
Focused on teacher research and teacher activism.

- 2nd Educating for Change Curriculum Fair; Theme: Racial Justice in the content of Immigrant and Refugee Rights in the Context of Racial Justice; Location: International Institute; ~150 participants
- During this year, there was a massive assault on public education in St. Louis. LSJ tried to build awareness through readings, demonstrations, letters to the editor, forums and more. Meetings continued to be held at an SLPS Adult Education & Literacy Center with 10-15 participants at meetings.
- Focus: Counter assault on public education.
- Readings: Edison schools and privatization of public schools
- Activism: Demonstrations, letters to the editors, forums
- Developed curriculum about privatization
- Participated in public demonstrations against state-takeover of SLPS
- Development of a listserv with 200+ people on list
Focused on teacher research and activism with a growing awareness of a national movement, thus, connecting with Teacher Activist Group (TAG).
Focused on teacher research and activism with a growing awareness of a national movement, thus, connecting with Teacher Activist Group (TAG).

- 3rd Annual Educating for Change Curriculum Fair; Theme: “Peace Education”; Location: University of Missouri-St. Louis; ~150 participants
- Meetings began to be held in various locations and meeting attendants began to grow.
- Connected and worked with national teacher activist group – Teacher Activist Group (TAG)
- Focus: Social Justice Topics in the Classroom (presenting examples of classroom work versus readings and discussions)
- Created "Stop School Closings" Position Statement
- Created "KIPP" Position Statement
- Participants attended the "Defend Public Education!" Rally (April 20, 2008)
The focus continues to be connecting and building a social justice network in St. Louis and connecting with the national network of radical educators. The focus is on building social justice curriculum and activism.
The focus continues to be connecting and building a social justice network in St. Louis and connecting with the national network of radical educators. The focus is on building social justice curriculum and activism.

- 4th Annual Educating for Change Fair; “Defining Democracy”; University of Missouri-St. Louis; ~150 participants
- Loosely began to refer to the organizers of the group as the “Leadership Team”
- Book “Designing Socially Just Learning Communities” (2009) is published with Taylor & Francis (~20+ LSJ participants)
- Social Justice Social: An All-Call for Social Justice Groups at Legacy Cafe
- Collaboration with ABC’s of Literacy, The Literacy Roundtable, and LIFT-MO on “Literacy as a Human Right” campaign
- Open Letter: Moratorium on School Closings
- LSJ participated in “March for Education” (Save our Schools) in St. Louis
- Workshop: “Debating the Merits of Merit Pay”
- Workshop: “The Truth about Dibels: What It Is and What It Does”
- Collaboration with OBS and Justice Institute on conference/Ralph Fletcher
- 200+ base
The focus shifted to include “Leadership Team meetings” and ongoing professional development. Different members of the Leadership Team initiate various activities (e.g. book clubs, presentations, iTAGS). There is some tension in the group when struggling to include both “business items” and “social justice education” items.
The focus shifted to include “Leadership Team meetings” and ongoing professional development. Different members of the Leadership Team initiate various activities (e.g. book clubs, presentations, iTAGS). There is some tension in the group when struggling to include both “business items” and “social justice education” items.

- 5th Educating for Change Curriculum Fair, "Claiming Education as a Civil Right," University of Missouri-St. Louis, ~150 participants
- Meetings held at GYA, an art studio run Dail Chambers from the Yeyo Arts Collective.
- Received grant from Doerr Center for Social Justice for collaborative research (June 1, 2009 through May 31, 2010). The project is called “Public Voices, Public Education.” This enables LSJ to launch our first Inquiry to Action Groups (ItAGs). The idea of ItAGs comes from sister groups in Chicago (TSJ), San Fransisco (T4SJ) and NY (NYCORE).
- Focused on developing partnerships with allied groups (e.g. Literacy Roundtable, Women’s Voices Raised, Jobs with Justice, Dean’s Committee on Social Justice/UMSL, Organization for Black Struggle, The Justice Institute)
- Workshop: Developing a Progress Report on Education: Obama’s First 100 Days Public Forum Carpenter Branch Library
Continued our focus on balancing organizational development with cultivating social justice education. Tension about what constitutes action and activism and where the center of our work should be.
Continued our focus on balancing organizational development with cultivating social justice education. Tension about what constitutes action and activism and where the center of our work should be.

- 6th Educating for Change Curriculum Fair, "Educating for Community Empowerment", Roosevelt High School, ~150 participants
- Meetings continued to be held at GYA, an art studio run Dail Chambers from the Yeyo Arts Collective.
- Leadership Team is solidified
- LSJ expands from website and meetings to add a “Meet-Up” group
- Launch of Art, Education, and Democracy Inquiry to Action Group
- Launch of Education and the Media: Inquiry to Action Group
- Teaching Social Studies for Social Justice: Inquiry to Action Group forms and continues to meet as its own group for two years
- Teach-in on “Race to the Top”
- Position Statement on Media and Racism
- Refinement of the mission statement
- Approx. # of people on listserv = 250
Focus on the development of a bi-monthly meeting structure that includes classroom, political analysis, and action, each facilitated by a different person, rotating between leadership team meetings and “open” meetings.
Focus on the development of a bi-monthly meeting structure that includes classroom, political analysis, and action, each facilitated by a different person, rotating between leadership team meetings and “open” meetings.

- 7th Educating for Change Curriculum Fair, "Creating Spaces for Social Justice in an Era of Standardized Testing," Roosevelt High School, ~150 participants
- Connected with Save our Schools
- Started a Facebook Page
- Readings for leadership team: Privilege Packet/Racial Equity
- Book Clubs: Deborah Meier books, The Death and Life of a Great American School System (Diane Ravitch)
- iTAG: Children’s Literature and Social Justice
- Discuss the possibility of changing our name & “social justice groups” being housed in schools around the region.
- Strategic Planning Meeting: Joan Suarez of Jobs with Justice and Bread and Roses
- Workshop: Thoreau on Civil Disobedience and Education (Bill Ramsey)
- Film Screening: The Inconvenient Truth behind Waiting for Superman
We moved the fair/conference from Fall to Spring and, thus, do not have one in 2012, but instead in early 2013.
We moved the fair/conference from Fall to Spring and, thus, do not have one in 2012, but instead in early 2013.

- Meetings held at Maplewood Richmond Heights Elementary School
- Continued discussing name change of group. We modified the name to “Literacy for Social Justice” or “LSJ” (taking off the teacher research group)
- Workshops: Student Debt (Alice Floros & Lindsay Robinson), Socially Just and Equitable Modifications for ELL Students (Rosa Brefeld), Talking about Gay Issues in Schools (Genevieve Caffrey & Kimberly House)
- Book Club: The Power of One: How You Can Help or Harm African American Students (Thompson)
- Reading and Discussion: Accountability and White, Anti-Racist Organizing
- Leadership Team Internal Dialogue (@ World Community Center)
- Approx. # of people on listserv = 400
There was an intentional yearlong focus on anti-racism.
We initiated a sub-committee to “build and maintain diversity” amongst our Leadership Team.
There was an intentional yearlong focus on anti-racism.
We initiated a sub-committee to “build and maintain diversity” amongst our Leadership Team.

- 8th Educating for Change Curriculum Fair, "Partnering for Social Justice", Maplewood Richmond Heights Elementary School, ~250 participants
- Meetings held at Maplewood Richmond Heights Elementary School
- Changed our name from Literacy for Social Justice to Educators for Social Justice in May of 2013
- Book Club: Young, Gifted, and Black
- ItAGs: Anti-Racism in the Classroom, Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students for Social Justice
- Strategic Planning meeting led by Marlene Shuman
- Focus on 1:1’s for outreach and recruitment to leadership team
- Members of leadership team attended Free Minds, Free People Conference in Chicago
- Discussed getting a financial sponsor and sponsorship of the conference grows
- Started Google Drive for archive of organizational work
- Approx. # of people on listserv = 450
There is an intentional focus to professionalize the conference and the name shifts from “fair” to “conference.”
There is an intentional focus to professionalize the conference and the name shifts from “fair” to “conference.”

- 9th Educating for Change Curriculum Conference, "Race, Class, and Education in St. Louis," Maplewood Richmond Heights Elementary, ~250 participants, 1st time the conference is 2 days long (Friday night and Saturday), the focus of the conference includes race, which is a culminating event from our previous year’s focus on racial equity.
- Meetings held at Maplewood Richmond Heights Elementary School
- Initiation of ESJ Teacher Grant in honor of 10th anniversary of Educating for Change Curriculum Conference
- Book Clubs: The Mis-Education of the Negro (Woodson), Jeanne Oakes -- social class, inequality, and education
- Teach-In: Teaching in the Aftermath of Mike Brown
- Leadership Team Retreat/Strategic Planning at MRHE
- Approx. # of people on listserv = 550
Focus was on organizational development and the conference. Recognition that there is not enough capacity amongst the Board alone to build and sustain yearly activities + the conference. Discussion of committee structure and expanding beyond the Board.
Focus was on organizational development and the conference. Recognition that there is not enough capacity amongst the Board alone to build and sustain yearly activities + the conference. Discussion of committee structure and expanding beyond the Board.

- 10th Educating for Change Conference, "Empowering Diverse Learners," Maplewood Richmond Heights Elementary, ~300 participants
- ESJ becomes a 501c3 organization
- Development of Policy & Procedures Handbook
- Leadership Team changes to Board of Directors
- Call for ItAG proposals versus creation of ItAGs ourselves
- Book Clubs: Discipline that Restores (Ron & Roxanne Claassen), Between the World and Me (Ta-nehisi Coates), Teaching for Joy (Linda Christensen)
- Approx. # of people on listserv = 600
Focus is on organizational development and the conference. Recognition that there is not enough capacity amongst the Board alone to build and sustain yearly activities + the conference. Discussion of committee structure and expanding beyond the Board.
Focus is on organizational development and the conference. Recognition that there is not enough capacity amongst the Board alone to build and sustain yearly activities + the conference. Discussion of committee structure and expanding beyond the Board.

- 11th Annual Educating for Change Curriculum Conference, "Powerful Educators, Powerful Classrooms, Powerful Schools," Maplewood Richmond Heights Elementary, ~400 participants
- Meetings held at Maplewood Richmond Heights Elementary School
- Focus on board member recruitment and preparation
- ESJ co-sponsors the Regional Assembly to #BreaktheSchooltoPrisonPipeline
- Position Statement in Support of LGBTQ+
- ItAG: Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation
- Board Retreat facilitated by XYZ focused on team building
- Discuss possibility of an Executive Director
- Development of a Twitter account @esj_stl https://twitter.com/esj_stl

- 12th Annual Educating for Change Curriculum Conference, "Courageous Teaching and Civil Rights in the 21st Century," Maplewood Richmond Heights Elementary, ~350 participants
- 4 areas schools express interest in hosting the conference; develop a conference selection site process
- Meetings held at Maplewood Richmond Heights Elementary School
- ESJ & We Stories Collaboration “Racial Equity Curriculum Partners”
- Partnership with coalition of organizations to #BreakthePipeline
- Development of Committee Structure to support the building of the organization
- Position Statement on Restorative Justice Practices
- 700+ people on listserv